Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Send-Off

Saturday night we had a crew of our best friends over to Jen's place for a proper send-off, and of course, a few drinks.

Stories, tips, best wishes and good-lucks were flying this way and that, and by the end of the evening I was wondering how I could be leaving all these great people behind.

But we're PUMPED!!! Tomorrow we fly to Vancouver for the first week of our epic journey, and I'm basically just killing time anxiously until we hit up the airport around 8:45 for our 10 am flight.

Thanks SO much to everyone who came by and said their piece. I'ma miss all of you, but I know we'll be back (at some point I'm sure) with tonnes of tales from a far away land.

So wish us luck, and keep checking the blog, cause great stuff's 'a comin'!!

Much love,


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