Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Few Days In Van

For our first day to walk around, Vancouver bore it all. Bright, warm, RARE sunshine graced us all morning. This shot is from the tip of the Canada Place peninsula that extends out from downtown. Sick view too.

Here's a huge inuksuk on the seawall that wraps around Stanley park... a freighter sits in waiting for it's turn to load or unload at the port down Burrard inlet.

One of our main reasons for coming here was to really get a sense for what kind of place this is for people who live here. Both Jen and I have toyed with the idea of coastal living at one point or another, and this trip is a perfect opportunity to check out the scene and scope out the hot spots.

Jen's friend Andy from Concordia was uber kind and picked us up from the airport as well as gave us an incredible tour of pretty much the whole damn city!

Above is this massive tree on the way down to Wreck beach... I don't know what kind... but it just seems that all the vegitation here is getting steroids out of the ground or something, everything's lush and HUGE!

Thanks Andy for an awesome tour!

Yesterday (the 15th) we did a MASSIVE walk from Sarah's appartment to downtown and pretty much right around Stanley park (I'd say it's about a 15 k walk up and down and around all day). Needless to say, bed felt good. But it's good that we're getting our legs seasoned for the months ahead.

Here's Canada Place, it's a staple of the Burrard Inlet skyline and a great roof to jump off... see?

Yeah right... Just a little excited around some benches. HA!

Next door they're building a $100 million or so convention centre for the 2010 Olympics.

Below is the view from Sarah's condo. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

Our next pics may be from somewhere a LITTLE bit diferent... but this might be some of the nicest Canadian-city living that I've ever seen.

Much Love,


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Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Send-Off

Saturday night we had a crew of our best friends over to Jen's place for a proper send-off, and of course, a few drinks.

Stories, tips, best wishes and good-lucks were flying this way and that, and by the end of the evening I was wondering how I could be leaving all these great people behind.

But we're PUMPED!!! Tomorrow we fly to Vancouver for the first week of our epic journey, and I'm basically just killing time anxiously until we hit up the airport around 8:45 for our 10 am flight.

Thanks SO much to everyone who came by and said their piece. I'ma miss all of you, but I know we'll be back (at some point I'm sure) with tonnes of tales from a far away land.

So wish us luck, and keep checking the blog, cause great stuff's 'a comin'!!

Much love,


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Big Prep

So we're less than a week away!!!

Monday the 14th we fly to Vancouver for a week and stay with friends and family before our big journey across the Pacific pond.

Shots, meds, clothes, and itineraries are all finalized and good to go!

We're going to be having a little get together at Jen's place (or the slippery boot) on Saturday the 12th to say goodbye to all our best buds, hopefully everyone has got an invite. If not, consider this your invitation!

We'll shoot off a few pics from the party, but there's not much else to report as of now.
